How to Watch2Earn

Where content meets web 3. Come and join us!

3 min readJun 17, 2022

Part 1. What is W2E?

Watch2Earn (Watch to earn) or W2E is a system that combines content watching with an earn function.

With the official launch of Watch2Earn, anyone can participate anytime and directly receive goodies such as POAPs by simply watching content, and gain an access to an exclusive community based on their watch2earn activity.

Part 2. How to Watch2Earn?

  1. Find us on

First of all, come to https://www.screena.comto start your journey!

You can golden Watch2Earn button on the front page of the website.

2. Start Watch2Earn

Click the Watch2Earn button on the homepage and log in. After agreeing to the terms and conditions, check the event information again before entering.

In a moment, the event screening page will automatically pop up.

You can see that there’s a POAP button at the top of the chat window.

3. Check POAP button (and connect wallet)

  • When you click the golden POAP button, you can see the content you need to watch to earn the reward, the watch activity percentage, and [Connect wallet] button.
  • And to receive the goodies, you need to connect your wallet.

A wallet connection requires a signature, and there is no charge for signing.

Would you like to watch it with your friends?

** Invite your friends with links (Discord login for Watch2Earn!)

  • If you want to invite your friends to join in watch2Earn, please use the W2E link For W2E link : Invited friends can only log in with Discord!
  • You can also invite your friend with non Watch2Earn link. (the link below W2E link)

3. Enjoy your movie !

And when you have completed watching, you can see the [Participation Complete] mark!

All your event participation and your progress can be found on My Page.

Now the only thing left to do is claim the prize!

Prizes will be awarded by airdrop or free minting method, please check the event notice for details.


  • You can start Watch2Earn by visiting
  • Check event details and Start watching!
  • Click POAP button on the top right corner to connect your wallet and check participation info
  • You can share W2E link (Discord login only for W2E)
  • Enjoyed your movie? All completed event details are on My Page

Watch2Earn brings web 3 to content lover

Watch2Earn POAP is a membership POAP.

People who have enjoyed the same movie can gather on Discord and have fun together with various activities, including movie discussion, latest movie news, and watch parties.

We believe that when content enthusiasts come together, we can create greater power.

So come and join us, let’s Watch2Earn!

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Screena Discord :




Creator of the 1st Sandbox movie. Connoisseurs and creators of all things movie, anime, and tv (Watch2Earn)