Our Most Lunatics Moment

2 min readJan 11, 2022


Let me ask simple questions….

How do you explain NFT to your mom?
Are you reading this article on your ‘normal’ job?

There is something powerful about our passion. We are Lunatics who commit to going to the ‘Moon’. But with great power comes great responsibilities.

And sometimes..there are moments we feel ‘Lunatic’ surrounded by earthlings who don’t understand us.

We at Terra Movie Club, love to share stories. Movies, TVs, animes or even moving cartoons, anything that can bring us closer together, and not only share and commiserate, but celebrate the fact that we are ‘Lunatics’

That’s why, this Friday, we are releasing 7 episodes of LunaToon, a moving cartoon that captures the most ‘Lunatics’ moment in our lives.

All seven episodes of ‘LunaToon’s will be made into NFTs. And as we release the first ever LunaToon this Friday, we will open a one setence story competition to ask YOUR most Lunatics moments and make them into 2nd season of LunaToon.

The seven winning stories will be made into NFTs. The story owners will not only win 400 Loops but also be entitled to 20% of the profit from the sales of LunaToon NFT based on their stories.

The competition will be announced on Loop and on Twitter @TerraMovieClub on 14th Jan, and will be open for submission via Twitter from Jan 14th to 27th.

So keep an eye out and don’t forget to treasure those moments that make you Luantics 🙂




Creator of the 1st Sandbox movie. Connoisseurs and creators of all things movie, anime, and tv (Watch2Earn)